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Okay guys, this is our members page. This is where kids can take a pledge and be a part of Gang Green. When you take the pledge, you are dedicated to helping the Earth. We would also like to say that there is another website called, they are a site like ours and have really helped us! They want to do an article with us about going greener. Thank you and help the earth and be a member, it's free! Also on our blog write your name if you took the pledge and want to be a member, we will post your name on this page.

                        THE PLEDGE... (please stand up and raise your right hand.)

I am now a part of Gang Green. I am dedicated to help the planet on which we live. I will always reduce, reuse, and recycle. Whenever there is a chance to help the earth or someone or something in it, I will particpate. I promise to be determined to help the earth. My earth is your earth, we all need it!
1) Becca

2) Peyton

3) Kelsey

4) Hayley

5) Colette

6) Ben

7) Tanner

8) Aqua

9) Nicole

10) Max

11) Alyssa